CHAN Kwan-yuen - Shui On Building Construction Limited
SCA 2020 General Practitioner - Excellent Award
Project profile and summary of sustainable construction achievements (English) (80 words)
This project comprises one 36-storey non-standard domestic block and includes basement car park,
retail shops and neighbourhood elderly centre.
Major sustainable construction achievements include:
- Reduction of 65% (360GJ) energy consumption by using electricity grid for tower crane half
year earlier, instead of using B5 diesel. - 960 kWh of electricity is produced annually from solar panels, which provide electricity to the
lighting system of site office. - 70 gypsum boards and 40 waste metals were recycled and reused for worker rest area.
- 200 safety helmets, 10,000 aluminum cans and plastic bottles were recycled and some were
used for hoarding greening and hydroponics.