LUI Wing-chi, Michele - Hip Hing Construction Company Limited
SCA 2020 Construction Manager - Outstanding Award
The Modular Integrated Construction method (MiC) was applied, the construction duration and material waste can be reduced by approximately 30% in comparison with traditional construction methods. Besides, Hip Hing utilised online document management systems like Novade and Aconex for statutory inspection, which cuts down 700,000 sheets of paper per year, equivalent to around 1,000 kg carbon dioxide emission.

We adopt a hybrid type (composed of metallic frame and concrete) MiC for 15-storeys of residential units. This hybrid type module weighs less than the fully reinforced concrete type, so requires less energy for lifting and transportation, thus the carbon footprint can be significantly reduced. The manufacturing process also helps reduce material waste.

Adopting Building Information Modelling
(BIM) and 3D printing technology at an early stage in the project assured accuracy of the building methodology and material quantity, so as to prevent unnecessary waste and associated energy consumption.

We pro-actively saved paper by developing the Company’s Document Management System for internal document storage and sharing at headquarters and site level; we adopted digital platforms like “Novade” and “Aconex
E-Inspection” system for document communication between various parties, in order to increase carbon offset.